Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Extra Half Mile

I ended the week Saturday with an 8 mile run that was originally going to be 7.5 miles. As I was leaving work Friday, my manager asked me to run a mile for her. Accepting the her challenge, I changed plans and ran 8 miles - one mile for each member of my team. Yes, I know it sounds corny. But, I really wanted to see if I could do that extra half mile. I have not had a run over 6 miles for weeks and thought that I may not have the stamina to go that far.

Challenging myself made a difference. When I got to mile 3, I told myself to run another half mile and see how I felt before we turned around and headed home. And, at the 3.5 mile mark, we just kept going until we got past mile 4...then we turned around and cruised home.

Last week was a great workout week for @WillRunzForFun. I got in a run or a bike ride 6 days for a total of 37 miles. Here's a summary from last week:

Total Time Avg Time Max BPM Avg BPM Avg BMI Total Dist. (miles) Avg Dist. (miles)
4:29:07 0:44:51 160.7 140.2 24.9 36.8 6.1

Total Kcal Burned Avg Kcal Burned Max Pace Avg Pace Max Speed (mph) Avg Speed (mph) Total Workouts
3832.8 638.8 5:54 7:23 12.9 8.5 6.0

Next Week's Runs
Next week's schedule looks like this:
  1. Monday - Interval Run / 5 miles
  2. Tuesday - Bike Ride / 5 miles
  3. Wednesday - Maintenance Run / 6 miles
  4. Thursday - Fartlek Run / 5 miles
  5. Friday - Bike Ride / 5 miles
  6. Saturday - Long Run / 8 miles
Tuesday and Friday will be running rest days. I'll probably ride my bike to work on these which will add at least 10 miles!

Monthly Goals
My monthly totals for June are already way ahead of what I planned. At this pace I may do 125-150 miles before July 1! I've added a goal of biking to work twice a week which will add to my mileage.
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