Friday, April 24, 2009

Fat Burn Run with Isis

Isis and I finished a slow, 5-mile Fat Burn Run through the park in 47:44 (a 9:32 minute/mile pace).  This was the longest run we've done so far.  Isis took bio breaks after the 1st and 2nd miles. When we made it to Leavitt Park at the 3 mile mark, she found a spot in the shade, laid on the ground, and looked up at me as if to say, "Get used to this pal because we ain't going nowhere for a while!"

Well, she got up after a few minutes, took a drink and started to sniff everything in the park.  She sniffed and I followed for 5 minutes or so before we started back home for the final two miles.  To my surprise, she never stopped until we got to the 5 mile mark!  And, we when we walked thru the door, Isis drank a bowl of water and collapsed in her crate.  My guess is she will be there for the rest of the day.

Oh, in case you wanted to know, a Fat Burn Run is a slow run that's well within my min/max heart range.  It's not too long and not too short.  My Fat Burn Run pace today was probably close to my marathon pace.  I guess I'll have to run a marathon to prove that theory!


Jennifer said...

I wish my dog could run with me! She's half lab and half st. bernard. She's so big and overheats fairly easy. Definitely no more than a 1 mile run and that's on a cool day. Glad you had a good run!

Will Daniels said...

All I can say, Jennifer, is that Isis and I are still in training. She's no St. Bernard, but there are challenges! She likes to sniff and loves to go after birds. We'll get there.

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